setwd("/Users/xichen/Desktop/data") library(geepack) ds <- read.table("leprosy.txt",header=T) #reshape data from short to long format dslong <- reshape(ds, idvar="id", varying=c("y1","y2"), v.names="y", timevar="time", time=0:1, direction="long") dslong <- dslong[order(dslong$id, dslong$time),] attach(dslong) summary(dslong) #create interaction terms timeA <- time*(drug=='A') timeB <- time*(drug=='B') #first model treat treatment A and B seperately model1=geeglm(y ~ time + timeA + timeB, data=dslong, id = id, waves=time, family=poisson("log"), corstr="exch", std.err="") summary(model1) #calculate the 95% CI and ratio cc <- coef(summary(model1)) citab <- with(, cbind(mean=Estimate, lwr=Estimate-1.96*Std.err, upr=Estimate+1.96*Std.err)) rownames(citab) <- rownames(cc) ci1=exp(citab) ci1 #second model combine treatment A and B together timeAB <- time*I(drug != 'C') model2=geeglm(y ~ time + timeAB, data=dslong, id = id, waves=time, family=poisson("log"), corstr="exch", std.err="") summary(model2) #calculate the 95% CI and ratio cc <- coef(summary(model2)) citab <- with(, cbind(mean=Estimate, lwr=Estimate-1.96*Std.err, upr=Estimate+1.96*Std.err)) rownames(citab) <- rownames(cc) ci2=exp(citab) ci2 detach(dslong)